Caring for Your Cut Christmas Tree
Once you get your tree home, fill up the basin with as much water as you can, and be sure to add tree preservative. The tree preservative absorbs up into the tree and helps lock in moisture to keep the needles intact longer. The ratio of preservative to water should be listed on the bottle.
DO NOT let the water basin dry out completely. Cut trees need a constant supply of water. It can sometimes be challenging to fill the basin once the decorations are on and presents start getting stacked under the tree. We recently started carrying a watering tube that fits down inside the tree to allow for easier watering. It also lights up to let you know when the water level gets low.
Most of the time, when you buy a fresh tree, the retailer wraps it in a plastic bag to make the trip home. When you get ready to put the tree up, keep the plastic bag on the trunk at the bottom and cover it with the tree skirt. After the holidays are over, this will make cleanup much less messy, since you will not have to jostle the tree as much to get it bagged up.