Frequently Asked Questions
There are some questions about lawns that we get asked on a daily basis. Here is a list of frequently asked questions and hopefully the answer you are looking for.
How often should I water a newly seeded lawn?
You want to water enough to keep the area moist, but not saturated. During the summer months, this means about twice daily.
When is the right time to plant Bermuda seed?
From mid-May to early September. The soil temperature must be at least 80 degrees.
Is there any way to prevent weeds in my lawn?
In established lawns, use Avert plus Lawn Food twice a year to prevent weeds year round.
How can I improve the condition of my soil?
The first thing you want to do is have your soil tested to find out what it might need. Call the county extension agent (at the Abilene fairgrounds) to find out about soil testing. Depending on the results, we can supply you with the nutrients you need.
When is the right time to lay sod?
Sod can be put down just about anytime in this area. However, Spring and Fall are best due to more moderate temperatures.