The Usual Suspects
Grubs and chinch bugs are an unseen menace lurking in your yard. Even as small as they are, they can wreak havoc on turf grass, and can make your yard patchy and unattractive.
It can be challenging to know what to do about these bugs or when to do it. Here are a few guidelines on how to spot a grub or chinch bug problem and deal with it accordingly.
Most of the time, grubs and chinch bugs are causing pretty serious trouble long before a homeowner realizes they have a problem. These bugs chew on the roots and bases of lawn turf, which will eventually start to kill the grass. The first sign of this is usually a patchy yellowing of the grass. When the critters chew on it, the grass is not able to get the nutrients it needs to stay green and thrive; hence the yellowing.

Patches caused by grubs can appear anywhere in a yard, but chinch bugs usually radiate outward from a sidewalk or driveway. Lucky for us, the same chemicals will kill both kinds of bug.
Chinch #3298
Taylor County Sheriff
When dealing with grubs and chinch bugs, the type of insecticide will vary depending on the time of year and your motive. There are two main types of grub killer. One travels through the grass and soil and wipes out all the grubs and chinch bugs in its path. We suggest Bayer 24 hour grub killer. It is effective in killing most of the problem bugs. You want to use this product in the months when you grass is dormant, or filling in.
The other type of grub killer is an extended release, or systemic, insecticide. This product absorbs into the grass itself and kills all the bugs that decide to snack on it. For this purpose, we suggest Hi-Yield Grub Free Zone. This product works best when the grass is fully active, so it is best to use it during the late spring and summer months for the best effectiveness.